News from The Estates Office - land management and Chartered Surveying practice in Oban, ArgyllBusiness News #36

News from The Estates Office

Business News #36

Cleaning Protocols For Self-Catering Properties

The Association of Scottish Self-Caterers has released guidelines on updated cleaning protocols to help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. It is the responsibility of every self-catering operator to ensure they and their property comply with health and safety legislation, and ensure the safety of their guests and staff even where specific legislation does not exist. Download a copy of ASSC's guidelines here>

General advice:

Cleaners and housekeepers should be provided with disposable gloves, aprons and masks, which where appropriate, should be changed between cleans. They should also wash their hands regularly or use hand sanitiser. For each changeover, cleaners should follow these steps:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Load reduction: removal of waste
  • Deep cleaning process to remove any residual dirt on surfaces etc
  • Professional disinfection: removes any unseen virus and leave the space safe

Guidance for Cleaning:

The following steps will minimise the risk of the people responsible for cleaning contracting the virus and ensuring the accommodation is safe for new guests.

  1. Carry out a risk assessment- this can be done in advance and protocols can be put in place
  2. Ask guests to air the property during their stay and strips the beds/linen on departure
  3. Provide the correct protective clothing and cleaning products for the cleaners
  4. Cleaners should follow the following process:
  • Ensure the property is well ventilated whilst cleaning
  • Understand the clean level required
  • Wear the appropriate protective clothing
  • Prepare the area to be cleaned (reducing the load), removing waste, dirty linen and towels and carrying out any initial cleaning required
  • Use gloves to remove any bedding and linen products directly into bags (avoiding shaking the linen). Dispose of gloves after stripping beds, wash hands, and apply clean gloves before putting clean linen on bed
  • Waste of any kind should be placed in a plastic bag, tied and removed from the property
  • Clean using general cleaning products
  • Disinfect using appropriate products for the required time to kill the virus
  • Wash hands fully after removal of protective clothing

Guidance for Operators and Hosts:

Operators or Hosts should:

  • Keep contact with guests to a minimum. Where this is unavoidable, protective clothing should be worn and social distancing adhered to
  • Consider using contact free check in methods
  • Consider installing a hand sanitiser station at the entrance to the property
  • Ensure guests have all relevant information ahead of their arrival
  • Make sure guests have access to appropriate guidance in the event they develop coronavirus symptoms
  • Advising guests that extra steps have been taken to protect them and clean the property suitably
  • Provide an adequate supply of cleaning materials and handwasher/sanitiser for the guests use. Guests should be able and encouraged to maintain the cleanliness of the property during their stay
  • Guest information folders should be stored in wipeable plastic folders or laminated. Where possible, these can be provided online or via email in advance of guests arrival


Only essential maintenance should be undertaken during a guests stay.

Local Communities

The reopening of self-catering and holiday rental properties will be widely publicised, therefore you should be prepared to answer questions from the local community about the measures you are taking to ensure the safety of your guests, staff and those living close by. Concern about safety remains the highest priority and will motivate your efforts to open in a measured and considered way.

What to do if you or a staff member develops COVID-19 symptoms:

  1. If you, or a staff member, display symptoms of coronavirus or live in a household where someone has symptoms, that person must not enter the rental property. If you or your staff have symptoms then isolate at home for 7 days, or 14 days if living with someone with symptoms. If symptoms worsen, or are no better after 7 days, then contact NHS 111 either online or over the phone.
  2. In order to return to work, a return to work assessment should be carried out to ensure the individual's recovery is clear and they are able to return to work (again, this includes yourself). You will need to find out whether staff have any pre-existing medical conditions or are living with vulnerable/at risk persons. All communications with staff should be undertaken electronically.
  3. If you, or a member of staff develop symptoms at work, they must be sent home immediately and follow government guidance. Disinfect any touch points that may have been infected by a contaminated person.

If a guest develops or arrives with symptoms:

  1. If a guest arrives with symptoms, they should be advised to return home where possible and follow government guidance.
  2. If guests have acute breathing difficulties, call 999.
  3. If a guest has developed symptoms during their stay, they must declare it when leaving.
  4. It is understood that if anyone staying in the property contracts the virus they will immediately inform their host who can inform them of the next steps to be taken.

Steps that should be taken on hearing of an infection:

  • If the property has a communal entrance / communal stairwell, corridor etc a fully protected housekeeper (gloves & apron) should attend as soon as possible and use disposable materials to wipe down all door handles, entrance systems, stairwell banisters, light switches to try and minimise risk of spread to neighbours.
  • If property has main door entrance and therefore no further risk to neighbours then the guest should just follow standard self-care methods and in addition, refrain from putting out any rubbish. All rubbish should be double bagged and stored safely for 72 hours before being thrown out. Alternatively, it should be placed in a suitable outdoor bin for removal.
  • Once a property is vacated post infection, appropriate cleaning procedures should be followed, as per these guidelines.

The points above have been summarised from a guidance publication issued by the ASSC. The publication also contains more detailed guidance, additional information and useful links. Download a copy of the ASSC publication here>

Vacancies from The Estates Office

Business News #36

Cleaning Protocols For Self-Catering Properties

The Association of Scottish Self-Caterers has released guidelines on updated cleaning protocols to help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. It is the responsibility of every self-catering operator to ensure they and their property comply with health and safety legislation, and ensure the safety of their guests and staff even where specific legislation does not exist. Download a copy of ASSC's guidelines here>

General advice:

Cleaners and housekeepers should be provided with disposable gloves, aprons and masks, which where appropriate, should be changed between cleans. They should also wash their hands regularly or use hand sanitiser. For each changeover, cleaners should follow these steps:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Load reduction: removal of waste
  • Deep cleaning process to remove any residual dirt on surfaces etc
  • Professional disinfection: removes any unseen virus and leave the space safe

Guidance for Cleaning:

The following steps will minimise the risk of the people responsible for cleaning contracting the virus and ensuring the accommodation is safe for new guests.

  1. Carry out a risk assessment- this can be done in advance and protocols can be put in place
  2. Ask guests to air the property during their stay and strips the beds/linen on departure
  3. Provide the correct protective clothing and cleaning products for the cleaners
  4. Cleaners should follow the following process:
  • Ensure the property is well ventilated whilst cleaning
  • Understand the clean level required
  • Wear the appropriate protective clothing
  • Prepare the area to be cleaned (reducing the load), removing waste, dirty linen and towels and carrying out any initial cleaning required
  • Use gloves to remove any bedding and linen products directly into bags (avoiding shaking the linen). Dispose of gloves after stripping beds, wash hands, and apply clean gloves before putting clean linen on bed
  • Waste of any kind should be placed in a plastic bag, tied and removed from the property
  • Clean using general cleaning products
  • Disinfect using appropriate products for the required time to kill the virus
  • Wash hands fully after removal of protective clothing

Guidance for Operators and Hosts:

Operators or Hosts should:

  • Keep contact with guests to a minimum. Where this is unavoidable, protective clothing should be worn and social distancing adhered to
  • Consider using contact free check in methods
  • Consider installing a hand sanitiser station at the entrance to the property
  • Ensure guests have all relevant information ahead of their arrival
  • Make sure guests have access to appropriate guidance in the event they develop coronavirus symptoms
  • Advising guests that extra steps have been taken to protect them and clean the property suitably
  • Provide an adequate supply of cleaning materials and handwasher/sanitiser for the guests use. Guests should be able and encouraged to maintain the cleanliness of the property during their stay
  • Guest information folders should be stored in wipeable plastic folders or laminated. Where possible, these can be provided online or via email in advance of guests arrival


Only essential maintenance should be undertaken during a guests stay.

Local Communities

The reopening of self-catering and holiday rental properties will be widely publicised, therefore you should be prepared to answer questions from the local community about the measures you are taking to ensure the safety of your guests, staff and those living close by. Concern about safety remains the highest priority and will motivate your efforts to open in a measured and considered way.

What to do if you or a staff member develops COVID-19 symptoms:

  1. If you, or a staff member, display symptoms of coronavirus or live in a household where someone has symptoms, that person must not enter the rental property. If you or your staff have symptoms then isolate at home for 7 days, or 14 days if living with someone with symptoms. If symptoms worsen, or are no better after 7 days, then contact NHS 111 either online or over the phone.
  2. In order to return to work, a return to work assessment should be carried out to ensure the individual's recovery is clear and they are able to return to work (again, this includes yourself). You will need to find out whether staff have any pre-existing medical conditions or are living with vulnerable/at risk persons. All communications with staff should be undertaken electronically.
  3. If you, or a member of staff develop symptoms at work, they must be sent home immediately and follow government guidance. Disinfect any touch points that may have been infected by a contaminated person.

If a guest develops or arrives with symptoms:

  1. If a guest arrives with symptoms, they should be advised to return home where possible and follow government guidance.
  2. If guests have acute breathing difficulties, call 999.
  3. If a guest has developed symptoms during their stay, they must declare it when leaving.
  4. It is understood that if anyone staying in the property contracts the virus they will immediately inform their host who can inform them of the next steps to be taken.

Steps that should be taken on hearing of an infection:

  • If the property has a communal entrance / communal stairwell, corridor etc a fully protected housekeeper (gloves & apron) should attend as soon as possible and use disposable materials to wipe down all door handles, entrance systems, stairwell banisters, light switches to try and minimise risk of spread to neighbours.
  • If property has main door entrance and therefore no further risk to neighbours then the guest should just follow standard self-care methods and in addition, refrain from putting out any rubbish. All rubbish should be double bagged and stored safely for 72 hours before being thrown out. Alternatively, it should be placed in a suitable outdoor bin for removal.
  • Once a property is vacated post infection, appropriate cleaning procedures should be followed, as per these guidelines.

The points above have been summarised from a guidance publication issued by the ASSC. The publication also contains more detailed guidance, additional information and useful links. Download a copy of the ASSC publication here>

Estate and corporate land management and chartered surveying services in Oban ArgyllThe Estates Office land management and Chartered Surveying practice in Oban, Argyll